Beginners are welcome!
Private “hands on” instruction
Contents of the Techniques page
a video showing short line nymph fishing
description of our private beginner lessons
what are the beginner casting lessons
what are the top 10 fly fishing techniques

Fly fishing is a practice sport like golf, tennis or skiing. So beginners with no fishing experience need to have realistic expectations. With over 30 years of experience teaching fly fishing, I have an instructional plan that works. The key to fly fishing is to develop muscle memory. So you aren’t thinking about casting and can focus on technique and catching fish. All trips are 4 hours and are tailored to the ability level of the group.
The beginner casting lesson takes most people about an hour and includes:
Basic cast is with a fixed 20 feet of fly line and a leader…NO HOOK. It’s a pick it up and lay it down motion.
False cast is the same length line, a back and forth motion keeping the line in the air to load the rod.
Roll cast which is super handy for tight places or to pick up slack. The motion is start, pause and roll cast.
Stripping in line and shooting (adding) line. To master shooting line in the beginning is not necessary.
Setting the hook exercise, line control, how to strip in line, how to play fish, catch and release advice.
Lastly, how to wade safely and quietly to not spook fish. We will then suit up and go fly fishing!
Top 10 techniques employed by ability
Wet fly swing: fishing downstream, fixed length line, basic cast across, follow the drift (down & across).
Strike indicator fishing: a fixed length line, a simple water haul upstream, a lift & swing (chuck & duck).
Mending line: adjusting the extra line on the water, by flipping the line allowing for a “natural drift”.
INTERMEDIATE (1-3 included)
Traditional upstream dryfly: casting to rising fish normally, or on mountain Brook Trout streams.
Tight line nymphing: fishing upstream, no indicator, heavy flies and weight maybe attached to leader.
Leisenring emerger lift: same as 5 with added upward buggy movement where we think the fish are.
ADVANCED (1-6 included)
Tuck casting dryflies: downstream dryfly fishing to present the fly first without leader interference.
Upstream streamer stripping: casting upstream, stripping back, imitating bait trying to escape.
Euro nymphing Czech style: same as 5. with some gear, fly and leader changes, no weight on leader.
Euro nymphing Polish style: casting upstream, contact bottom and then “lead” downstream.
Vermont Fly Fishing guides offer half day trips on the best trout rivers and streams in southern Vermont.
Vermont fly fishing trips for Trout are catch & release. Please visit rates for more booking details.